The 1st Transnational Partner Meeting of the CDRP-EN (Project no. 2018-1-TR01-KA203-059739 project was held in Malta on 14-16 March with the participation of the following project partners.
Organization |
Gazi University |
Association of Academicians |
Danmar Computers LLC |
Ludor Engineering SRL |
Godesk SRL |
Evropska Rozvojova Agentura SRO |
Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti |
Macdac Engineering Concultancy |
Parantez Technology LTD |

This meeting was intended to meet and determine the overall image of the project. This meeting was intended to meet and determine the overall image of the project.
During the meeting, the project leader was informed about the aim of the project, the intersection points, the point reached and the process.

In the sessions on the project’s intellectual outputs, the future work on the outputs was discussed. The structure of the Survey to be implemented under IO1 was decided. We also talked about what to do about reporting IO1.
Chapters of the Curriculum to be formed within the scope of IO2 were decided. It was negotiated which chapters the partners would prepare. Chapters to be prepared by each partner were determined.

A plan was made for the dissemination of the project. According to this plan;
- Project logo will be prepared in different formats and shared with the project partners by Parantez Technology in two weeks.
- Website and social media accounts of the project will be created at the end of this week (24 March). Host name of the website will be “”.
- The websites of the all partners linked to the websites.
- Information about the TM and LTTA meetings will be published on the website.
Other project management issues were discussed and the meeting was finished. According to this plan:
- The training activity will be held between 15-17 July 2019 in Turkey
- The CDRP Skype meeting will be held on Thursday 13th Jun.
- TM and LTTA meeting dates updated as below
Event | Location | Dates |
M1 | Malta (Kick-off) | Mar 2019 |
S1 | Skype | 13 Jun 2019 |
C1 | Turkey (Training Seminar) | 15-17 July 2019 |
C2 | Malta (Winter School) | Feb 2020 |
C3 | Italy (Training Seminar) | May 2020 |
M2 | Cezch | Agst 2020 |
C4 | Romania (Summer School) | June 2021 |
M3 | Poland/Turkey | July 2021 |
E1 | Turkey (Conference) | July 2021 |